Rules for cleaning antique furniture

Today in modern interiors more and more often appear antique furniture and other collectibles. Not surprisingly, because quality antiques are able to preserve for a long time not only its artistic value, but also the proper appearance. However, it is worth remembering that care for such things should be appropriate. Consider how to clean antique objects from different materials in this article. But we note that independent cleaning is not the best idea when it comes to expensive and such specific things. It is best to contact a cleaning company in Calgary. Our cleaners will get the job done in the best way possible. 

1. Cleaning wood furniture

– It is unacceptable to use modern polishes to care for antique furniture. Chemicals can irrevocably spoil delicate wood.

– To remove dust accumulated on the surface, it is best to use a natural soft cloth. There is no need to soak the cloth. Having removed the dust, you can use a special agent that prevents dust from settling on the furniture. Wipe the surfaces of antique furniture should be regularly to avoid strong contamination, which will be much more difficult to remove.

– Decorative carved elements on antique furniture can be cleaned with a soft brush or brush.

– Periodically, antique wood can be waxed. To do this, soften a small piece of wax and rub it on the surface with a cloth or soft shoe brush. After waxing, the furniture should be wiped with a dry cloth. Special products based on natural wax can also be used for polishing.

– Another problem that can arise is the appearance of pests. Woodworm bugs are especially fond of antique wood and eat it from the inside. So at least three times a year, carefully inspect your furniture for fresh holes or wood dust. If pests are present, treat immediately with an insecticide treatment.

2. Cleaning the leather on antique furniture

The leather on antique furniture needs special care. If the leather upholstery on the furniture is not cared for, the material will be covered with cracks and subsequently fall apart. Therefore, only careful care will help to preserve the product.

Leather furniture should be periodically lubricated with a special composition. Some experts give preference to the usual hand cream. According to their observations, it improves the condition of antique leather.

3. Care of upholstered furniture

– Upholstered antique furniture can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and a soft cloth attachment. Antique sofas and armchairs will become clean even in hard-to-reach places: around buttons, armrests. Act carefully, especially if the fabric is shabby and dilapidated.

– Antique fabrics are not impregnated with water-resistant compositions, so it is not recommended to clean them wet. In case of heavy soiling it is worth contacting professionals.

– Metal fittings of upholstered furniture also require some care. If the lining on the chair or sofa faded, then return them to their original shine will help the following composition:

ammonia alcohol -30 gr;

tooth powder or chalk – 15 grams;

water – 50 g.

All components should be mixed and soak the mixture flannel cloth. It is rubbed on the metal fittings. After that, take a dry cloth and rub the metal to shine. Act carefully so that the composition does not get on the wood or fabric. It is best to contact a specialist.

4. Care of antiques made of bronze, steel, copper

Objects made of copper, steel or bronze are cleaned from dust with a dry flannel cloth without the use of cleaning agents.

If blackness and greenness appeared on the objects, ammonia alcohol is recommended as a folk remedy for their removal. A cotton swab should be soaked in alcohol and thoroughly wipe the object with it until it shines. However, it is preferable to have the item cleaned in a workshop.

5. Care of brass and gold-plated items

Remove dust and dirt from such surfaces with a soft brush. It is strictly forbidden to polish the parts even with a dry cloth. This can damage the coating.

6. Cleaning ivory objects

Things made of ivory over time become fragile, so you need to take care of them very carefully. The item is cleaned with a soapy sponge. Wipe the item with it and then use a damp cloth.

June 30 2024