How to vacuum properly or 6 major mistakes

Do you use your vacuum cleaner to mop almost every day, but your floor doesn’t look perfectly clean and shows dirt particles and dust? Maybe you’re doing something wrong and it’s time to google “how to vacuum properly”? Most people use the wrong technique when vacuuming and make the simplest common mistakes that leave dust, dirt and pet hair on the floor.

In this article, we will cover the most common mistakes when using a vacuum cleaner. By correcting them, you will get the most out of your vacuum cleaner and your floors will always be clean.

Unprepared room before cleaning

You are tired, you want to vacuum as soon as possible and relax in the cleanliness. It’s very tempting to skip the step of picking up scattered items and large debris, and this ends up resulting in a dirty floor even after cleaning.

Simply pushing scattered toys and other items with the vacuum cleaner nozzle causes debris from underneath them to accumulate even more, rather than being removed. For optimal cleaning results – clear the space, pick up scattered items, and hand pick up large debris that will be hard for the vacuum cleaner to suck up. It doesn’t allow the nozzle to maximize its pressure on the floor, plus it’s faster than trying to suck up a piece of popcorn for three minutes.

Using a clogged vacuum cleaner

If you don’t clean the bag or container of your vacuum cleaner regularly, it reduces its effectiveness and leaves your floors dirty after cleaning. In addition, a clogged filter can cause the vacuum cleaner motor to overheat and break down.

To maximize the suction power and performance of your vacuum cleaner, you need a clear container or bag, a clean filter, and a functioning brush and free-flowing hose. Empty the container or change the bag when it is more than half full, and clean or replace the filter every 3 to 6 months, as recommended by most manufacturers. Before each cleaning, check for hair clogs in the roller brush and hose.

Ignoring other surfaces when cleaning

Shiny specks of dust floating in the air are beautiful in a photograph, but in your apartment room, not so much. Since dust gets into the air from other surfaces and settles on the floor, it would be a mistake not to use a vacuum cleaner to clean other surfaces as well. This is especially important if anyone in the house suffers from allergies.

At least once a month, before vacuuming the floor, use the brush attachment to clean curtains or blinds, and the upholstery attachment to clean sofas and chairs. This proactive approach can clean pet hair more effectively and reduce dust throughout your home.

Vacuuming carpets and carpeting as hard surfaces

If you vacuum carpeting and hard floors with one nozzle without adjusting it, it’s a mistake and you won’t remove all the dirt. Carpet fibers are twisted and looped threads embedded in a woven backing. This creates many places for dirt to concentrate, and dust can penetrate through the backing to the floor or carpet backing.

For quality carpet cleaning, the vacuum cleaner attachment should be adjusted so that the bristles of the roller brush or beater make contact with the surface of the carpet without reducing suction. Different carpets may require different nozzle heights. A sure sign that the nozzle height is set correctly is that there are visible lines when vacuuming, but the vacuum cleaner moves freely.

Moving too fast and cleaning too quickly

Often, we grab the vacuum cleaner in a hurry before guests arrive or after work to remove visible dust and pet hair. Vacuuming in a hurry is ineffective and leaves dirt on both hard and carpeted floors. Vacuum cleaner needs time to pull in all the dust, dirt, pet hair and other contaminants.

To vacuum the floor, slowly move the nozzle back and forth overlapping areas, giving the vacuum time to remove debris from the floor. In carpeted areas, remember to turn the nozzle at right angles and repeat the procedure to clean all sides of the twisted carpet fibers. By taking your time, you will remove much more dirt from the floor, whether it is carpeted or not.

Not vacuuming often enough

Lastly, one of the most common mistakes is not vacuuming often enough. Many people think that vacuuming should be done all at once, which is a lot of volume, a lot of time – you have to put it off for another time.

In fact, it is enough to vacuum the walls once a week, and every three days vacuum the floors in the most frequented areas of the apartment. If you have small children or pets, it is better to vacuum the main areas every two days.

A thorough weekly vacuuming will remove dust and dirt that can eat into carpeting or settle on hard floors and reduce their shine. Remember, the floor is the largest visible surface in most rooms, so avoiding these vacuuming mistakes improves the overall cleanliness and appearance of your home.

TivaCleaners specialists come to clean your apartment or house with professional vacuum cleaners and specialized skills to maximize the cleaning of your home from dust, dirt and pet hair. 

June 18 2024