How to clean windows after renovation?

Usually renovation begins with the installation of plastic windows. Therefore, they get dirty and covered with dust. After the end of repair plastic windows should be returned to pristine cleanliness, well cleaned profile, and washed to a shine double-glazed windows.

Work on cleaning the profile and window includes removing protective tape, remnants of mounting foam, glue and dust. Let’s consider each situation separately.

How to remove protective tape from the window

  • In its instructions, the manufacturer of plastic windows warns that the protective film should be removed immediately after installing the window profile. This recommendation is not always followed, assuming that it protects the frame from dirt. It is not difficult to remove the tape with logos after its installation. But if this is not done in time, then caulking the slopes, the tape can get under the plaster. Then you can get rid of the tape in several ways.
  • Remove the tape with a special spatula. Carefully, without damaging the surface of the profile, peel off the film.
  • Turn on a hair dryer, heat the taped surface with it and quickly remove it from the frame. An ordinary hair dryer can be used for this purpose. It is necessary to carefully observe that the film does not melt from the hot air and does not stick to the frame, as it will be impossible to remove it.
  • You can remove the tape with school plastic. This method is safe. It does not leave scratches. However, it is a labor-intensive procedure.

How to remove adhesive residue

After the foil has been removed, black glue stains may remain on the profile. If the glue has not dried yet, it can be easily removed with a cloth soaked in a soap solution. To remove dried glue residue, you will need to buy a special product. In order not to make a mistake in the choice of means, it is necessary to consult with the seller, telling him about your problem.

Also dried glue should be heated with a hair dryer, removed with a plastic spatula, wiped with acetone and washed with detergents. When such methods are powerless and ineffective, you have to polish with a drill or grinder, using felt wheels and acetone cleaners. This treatment removes the thin plastic layer from the profile along with the dried adhesive and gets rid of small scratches.

How to remove foam residue

It is difficult but possible to clean the profile from the remaining gasket on it in the following way:

  • Use a plastic spatula to gently scrape off the hardened gasket.
  • Apply a special profile cleaner to a piece of felt and treat the dirty spots.
  • Allow the foam to soften, then polish the frames with felt to completely remove the sealant residue.

This work should be done with rubber gloves.

How to remove dust from the profile

Plastic frames are well cleaned with a solution of dish detergent or any other detergent. A heavily soiled profile is well washed with liquid soap. It should first be applied to the frames, wait a few minutes, and then rinse it off along with the dirt. After bringing the profile in perfect order and removing debris from all hard to reach places, you can proceed to washing the double-glazed window.

Washing windows after renovation

No one can cope with window cleaning after renovation better than a cleaning company – you can save your time and nerves just by ordering window cleaning. First of all, the windows should be wiped with a dry cloth to clean them from dust. If there are stains of paint or other substances on the glass, they should be removed with a special glass cleaning scraper. These scrapers have a thin blade and therefore cannot scratch the glass.

What should be cleaned in windows after renovation

It is impossible or very difficult to clean the window to shine and without streaks with water. There are other effective and less labor-intensive ways to do this. Solution for washing frames can be prepared from one cup of vinegar, or a tablespoon of ammonia, or 50 grams of bleach per one liter of water. Take a soft sponge, soak it in the prepared solution, wash the double-glazed window, and then wipe the glass well with a newspaper. For washing hard to reach places it is good to use a special brush with a long handle. It is convenient to wash the glass with such a brush. After it there are no streaks on the glass. The rubber spatula on it perfectly removes dirt and water.

All kinds of active chemical compounds are very dangerous for white plastic. Therefore, window frames should not be cleaned with solvents and acid-containing liquids. Such compounds can spoil the profile. This prohibition also applies to household detergents. Plastic and wooden profiles should only be cleaned with soap and water and wiped well with a natural cloth.

How to make glass perfectly clean

Today, it is not difficult to clean the glass perfectly. Many different sprayers and wipes are sold for this purpose. Before treating the glass with a special product, it should be wiped with a wet cloth to remove dirt. After that, the sprayer is applied to the glass special agent, then wipe the glass well with a dry cloth. The result is a transparent window surface that is pleasing to the eye.

For washing large windows sell special devices “screed”. Their assortment is so diverse that anyone can choose the right size for themselves, both in length and width. On one side of the scraper is attached hard rubber, and on the other a sponge. The sponge soaked in solution washes the glass, and the hard rubber scrapes off the water along with the remaining dirt. Wash the window from top to bottom with horizontal movements.

You can also use simple folk tips to clean the glass. For example, for washing glass is well suited diluted 1 to 4 vinegar essence. Apply the solution to the glass, after a couple of minutes to wipe with a dry cloth or paper. You can prepare a solution with ammonia. In 250 ml of water add a tablespoon of ammonia, spray or wet the glass with a cloth, then wipe dry. A spoonful of starch in a liter of water is also a good help in cleaning the glass.

The profile is cleaned, the glass is perfectly washed. It remains to tidy up the window sills. If it is wooden, then wash with soapy water. Plastic window sill can be washed with special cleaning agents. To make the white color of the window sill acquire a pristine color, it should be wiped with a special agent, such as Domestos. To have more sunlight in the apartment, the windows should always be clean and not dusty. Keep long clean and save from dusting will help glycerin and ammonia. Make a mixture and apply it to the windows.

Safety precautions must be observed when cleaning after window installation.

  • Do not allow chemicals to get on exposed areas of the body. Otherwise, you can get severe burns.
  • Avoid getting harmful substances on rubber seals. This will deteriorate the rubber and break the impermeability. Sometimes this can lead to a complete replacement of the profile, since in some of their types the sealing rubbers are soldered inside and cannot be replaced.
  • Use special means to remove lime-cement contaminants. Removing them mechanically can damage the surface of the frames.
  • Be aware of the different concentrations of simple solvents and choose the safest ones to avoid damaging the surface of the profile.

Observing all precautions for the product and yourself, you can perfectly clean plastic windows, which will be pleased with their cleanliness. If you do not want to waste your time, order our cleaning service in Calgary.

June 21 2024