Cleaning the bathroom is usually associated with something unpleasant and disgusting, isn’t it? Few people like to do it, let alone clean the toilet. However, this is a necessary process to maintain a clean toilet. Moreover, if you delay regular cleaning, a thick stone can form inside the toilet bowl.

Don’t worry! We have a solution for the lazy. Below, we’ll tell you how to clean off yellow limescale in the toilet and get rid of water stone using home methods. In addition, we will tell you the secrets that will whiten the toilet once and for all!


As we have already mentioned, rust in the bathroom is not a pleasant thing. It’s irritating to the eye, to you, and to your nerves. Why not find out the causes of limescale? It’s actually quite simple, and it’s caused by 3 things:

  • Bad water: The mineral content of water, such as limestone and magnesium, can lead to limescale. This is especially true in regions with high levels of water hardness.
  • Insufficient ventilation: Poor air circulation in the bathroom can contribute to limescale formation. Also, high humidity can increase the formation of deposits on surfaces.
  • Improper cleaning: Using the wrong cleaning products or not cleaning regularly enough also makes it harder to clean the toilet. Some products may simply not be suitable, so they only spoil the appearance of the surface.

However, regular cleaning and the use of anti-scale products can help keep your toilet in better condition. We will tell you how to clean the toilet at home below.


Although many people consider store-bought anti-limescale or rust products to be the most effective, in fact, home methods can be just as or even more effective. There’s no need to spend a lot of money on expensive and unnecessary products, as you can use simple folk methods to remove the stone from the toilet. However, do not forget that you will still have to waste your time, so it is still better to contact a cleaning company. 


Let’s figure out how to clean the toilet bowl from limescale quickly and correctly. After all, it affects the aesthetics of the bathroom and indicates tidiness.

When the house is tidy, we feel calm because our brain not only rests but also releases dopamine and serotonin, which increases the level of satisfaction from the work we do. So let’s not waste time and start removing and removing traces of stone!

Vinegar and soda:

The first home method is a solution of vinegar and baking soda. The ratio should be 1:1, i.e. half a cup of vinegar and half a cup of baking soda. Next, pour the mixture into the toilet bowl or down the sides. Leave it on for a few hours, and then wash thoroughly with a brush and rinse with water.

Citric acid:

To use citric acid, you can use 2 cleaning options:

You can take plain citric acid and rub it on the bathroom. No need to add water or dilute the acid with water. You can wet a brush and clean all the necessary places.

The second method is different. It also removes rust from the bottom of the toilet, so you can use it. Unlike the first method, this one involves a more comprehensive cleaning of the toilet inside. Dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of acid in 1 liter of water. After dissolving, pour this mixture into the toilet (especially rub the sides where the sediment has appeared). You should also wash the walls of the bathroom vigorously and use a stiff brush. Leave the acid to dissolve the rust for 1 day, then flush the toilet and enjoy a clean toilet!

Water and salt:

A solution of water and salt is an easy way to remove the stone. Just dissolve half a cup of salt in water and then pour it on the walls of the toilet bowl (you can fill it to the top). Leave it for a few hours, and then brush it thoroughly and rinse with water. But remember that you need to carefully remove the remnants of the solution so as not to be exposed to unpleasant consequences.


Another unpleasant phenomenon in toilets is yellowing. It can ruin the smell in the bathroom and generally affect the aesthetics. Let’s figure out how to clean the toilet from yellow marks.

Use laundry detergent. This is actually a treasure because it helps to remove about 60% of the yellowing. Moreover, everyone has detergent in their home. Please note that the detergent must be loose for the removal process to take place. You just need to pour about 30 grams of powder on the bottom of the toilet. and scrub the walls of the toilet to remove yellowing and limescale. At the end, rinse with water and that’s it.

Baking soda and vinegar are great natural toilet bowl cleaners: First, pour some of the baking soda (about 1/2 cup) down the toilet. Add about 1/2 cup of vinegar. Wait about 10-15 minutes for the mixture to take effect, and then use a brush to scrub the inside thoroughly to remove any limescale.

At the end of each method, it is advisable to use water as the final step. It will perfectly cope with the remnants of the mixtures and remove the lightly aggressive odor. The smell may be present and that’s okay! These methods are safe and not harmful to health!


Just like limescale or yellowing, rust can also be removed at home. However, it can be a little more difficult. Rust can be a little more difficult to clean because it penetrates deeper into the material in which it is formed. Therefore, you will need more effective and aggressive means.

For example, hydrochloric acid. It is not exactly a home method, but it is available in chemical stores, hardware stores, and some pharmacies. If the stone has settled at the bottom of the toilet, it is better to pour the substance directly onto the area with the sediment. To do this, pour out all the water from the middle (for example, using a scoop or bowl).

How to use:

Use 0.5 cups of hydrochloric acid and distribute it evenly. Then leave the mixture on for the whole evening or even overnight, and then wash thoroughly with a brush.

Hydrochloric acid is available in liquid form, but using it for cleaning requires caution due to its strong acidic properties. If you need an alternative in the form of a home remedy, water and salt can be used, but it may be less effective than professional hydrochloric acid.

Today we’ve discussed many home methods to remove limescale, scale, and rust from the toilet. The methods are really useful and, what is very important, cheap. However, each of them requires attention and time, which is why you should contact the specialists of the Tiva Cleaners service. 

April 22 2024