Sometimes we may accidentally spill water on the sofa or leave a cup of coffee on the bed and knock it over. It can get messy when it comes to light surfaces. That’s okay, though – you can clean up the water or coffee without any problems. But what about tougher stains, such as iodine or brilliant green? Iodine/brilliant green stains are not as difficult to remove as they seem! You need to really try, but you don’t need to do anything supernatural. Everything you need can be found in every home, and if not, the products are available in the store at reasonable prices. So, let’s get started on removing stubborn iodine/green stains from linoleum!


Perhaps we all know that folk methods are among the best methods in the world. No wonder they have been passed down from generation to generation. Their popularity also stems from the fact that they do not require large expenditures. As already mentioned, you can find most of the folk methods at home, so you can remove iodine or brilliant green stains from linoleum right now. Every minute counts, so hurry up!


Iodine stains on linoleum require a quick reaction. Also, iodine is characterized by a bright color and can gradually fade away. This process is called sublimation. In this process, iodine molecules turn into a gaseous state and gradually disappear. Interestingly, this process can occur even at room temperature and in the presence of sunlight.

That is why it is better to wipe off the stain in 1-3 minutes after it gets on the linoleum. If the stain remains on the surface without intervention, the process of removing it may become more difficult and require additional effort.

To remove iodine from linoleum, use such home methods as:

  • Baking soda with vinegar;
  • Citric acid + lemon juice;
  • Starch.

Soda with vinegar

This method has been used for a very long time and for good reason. The effectiveness of soda is really off the charts. Most people know that baking soda can remove literally everything: stains from carpet, remove a stone from the toilet, remove limescale from a kettle, remove carbon deposits from a pan, etc.

To wash iodine from linoleum, wipe the area with Fairy water and then wipe it dry. After that, it’s best to start applying baking soda to the iodine stain. Pour a tablespoon and add the same amount of vinegar. Rub the mixture in with massage movements. Then leave the paste on for 5-6 hours.

This should remove the iodine stain from the linoleum by at least 20%, and it can even be removed if you start cleaning immediately. Also, don’t forget to go over with a damp cloth at the end to remove any baking soda residue.

P.s Use a toothbrush instead of a sponge, it will be easier to remove dirt.

Citric acid with lemon juice

Let’s move on to the next effective home method. Citric acid can whiten and remove almost any stain, so so can iodine.

Take 1 tablespoon of citric acid and apply it to the iodine stain on the linoleum. Only then squeeze Вј of a lemon into the acid. Stir until it becomes a slurry and rub it into the linoleum with light movements. Leave it for 5-7 hours. Remember that the time to leave the product depends on how long the iodine stain has been on the linoleum. For example, if the stain is old, leave it for 10-12 hours, at least. Afterwards, rinse off the mixture with warm water and go over with a dry cloth. This can also help to wash away the bulk of the stain.


Starch is known to absorb fat well. Plus, it has the ability to remove excess moisture and absorb unpleasant odors. Thanks to these characteristics, starch can partially remove iodine from linoleum.

To remove iodine stains from linoleum with starch, follow these steps:

  • Sprinkle starch on the linoleum: Sprinkle the iodine stain on the linoleum with starch to absorb some of the liquid. Leave it on for a while (about 15-20 minutes);
  • Carefully remove: Use a soft brush or cloth to remove the starch from the surface. Be careful not to rub the stain deeper into the surface;
  • Rinsing the area lightly with water will help remove any remaining starch and iodine from the linoleum. After that, dry the surface.

This method can help to partially remove the iodine stain. However, the effectiveness may depend on how deeply the stain has penetrated the linoleum. It is best to check the treated area after the procedure and, if necessary, repeat it to completely wash the stain.


Stains from brilliant green and stains from iodine can be similar in some respects. Both substances can be bright and saturated in color. However, the chemical properties of these substances are different, which can lead to different methods of removal.

Also, brilliant green has an irritating color, unlike iodine, which merges with the color of linoleum. However, it’s much easier to remove traces of brilliant green. So, let’s get started with the process of cleaning linoleum from unwanted stains!

Potassium permanganate with vinegar:

Potassium permanganate has always been in demand among housewives. It has good antiseptic properties and is used as a disinfectant for cleaning and treating surfaces. And there is nothing to say about vinegar, you already know everything!

The proportions for the solution are as follows:

  • 1-2 tablespoons of potassium permanganate + 1 liter of water;
  • then add 1 tablespoon of vinegar.

After mixing all the ingredients, use a cotton cloth. Dip it into the bowl with the mixture and start to gently scrub the stain. You may notice color changes, and this is normal. Leave the product on for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water and damp mop the floor.

The only thing is to be careful with this product, because it is quite aggressive and can not only remove the stain, but also whiten the floor. However, if you do everything right and do not overexpose the product, you can achieve the desired results!


When it comes to household chemicals, they are much more effective than they seem. It can be used to remove iodine/green stains from linoleum in a few hours, and sometimes even minutes. So let’s not hesitate and start removing stains!


Yes, acetone will help remove brilliant green stains from linoleum and more. Due to its active effect on the surface, traces are removed easily and effortlessly. All you need to do is moisten a cotton pad in a solution with acetone and start rubbing until the stain disappears (partially disappears). Do not overdo it with the intensity of friction, as you can completely erase the top layer of linoleum.


Another of the most effective methods for removing iodine stains is laundry.

Now we’ll show you how to remove iodine from linoleum with it:

  • Add 2-3 tablespoons of laundry detergent to a liter of water;
  • Take a cotton cloth and soak it with the solution;
  • Cover the stain for 5-10 minutes;
  • Rinse with warm water and wipe the floor dry.

Don’t forget that the laundry is quite aggressive and overexposure to it is fraught with consequences. Therefore, after using it, you should wash the floor several times.


It is an alkaline substance that is usually used in diluted form for cleaning. It can be effective for removing grease stains and some stains from brilliant green or iodine. But ammonia can have a pungent odor and needs good ventilation during use.

Before using the method, wear rubber gloves and open a window wide. Next, dilute ammonia with water 1:10 (1 part ammonia to 10 parts water). Take a cotton pad and blot it. Apply it directly to the stain and wait about 5 minutes. Do not overexpose the product, because you can remove not only the iodine stain, but also the linoleum coating.

Gently wipe the area where the stain was with water and detergent and ventilate the room again. Be careful and observe the proportions!

Sodium thiosulfate

It can be bought at pharmacies at an affordable price. Just a few drops will be enough to make the floor shine again!

Take 1 ampoule of sodium thiosulfate and pour it on the iodine stain. If the trace is new, the stain will be washed off in a few minutes. If it’s an old one, it will take about 10 minutes. There is no need to scrub or wash the iodine stain, you just need to wait until the chemical reaction starts and that’s it! In the end, we usually remove the excess with warm water and floor detergent.


This method can be attributed to both folk methods and household chemicals. The positive effects of alcohol have been known for a long time. Now it is useful to us here!

To remove traces of iodine on linoleum, you need to:

  • moisten a cotton pad with alcohol;
  • put it on the iodine stain;
  • leave it on for 5-10 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water.

This way, it will not be difficult to remove iodine. The only thing you need to pay attention to is how linoleum reacts to alcohol. If after a few minutes you notice that the iodine trace is removed along with the linoleum coating itself, immediately stop using this method and start with a less aggressive one.


And we’ll end this article with one last great way. Yes, chlorine has a specific odor and can cause unpleasant sensations. However, it does an excellent job of removing traces of iodine!

There are two ways to use bleach. Since it is quite aggressive, you need to dilute it with water in a 1:10 ratio (as in the case of ammonia). The second option is to remove traces of iodine with pure chlorine, not diluted with water.

For the second method, we need a rag and a cotton pad. First, wet the cloth with the solution and leave it on the linoleum surface for 5 minutes. If you do not notice any significant results and the linoleum remains unaffected, repeat the procedure for 10 minutes longer. At the end, it would be better to do a wet cleaning and ventilate the room. This will ensure safety and help keep the linoleum surface clean.

Finally, remember that your own safety should be a priority. You can always contact Tiva Cleaners professionals, and they will help you to eliminate the source of the problem.

April 30 2024