How to clean a vase with a narrow neck: 6 effective ways

There is nothing easier than washing a container that your hand can fit into. However, it is not uncommon to find vessels with narrow necks. Flower vases in particular can often be this way. On their walls and bottom accumulate dried remnants of flowers, lime scale and rust. But, as it turns out, you can easily clean and such a vase with a narrow neck.

There are some useful tips that will help you easily solve this seemingly impossible task.

  • Fill the container with table vinegar. A few hours will be enough for the vinegar to eat away all the dirt inside. After that, just rinse the vase well with water.
  • Can help in this case and effervescent tablets for cleaning dentures. The vase should be filled to the brim with warm water and throw the tablets there: one – for a small vase, two – for medium and three – for large. Such a solution should be left in the vessel for at least 8 hours. After that, it will only remain to rinse it with running water.
  • The vase can be washed and liquid for cleaning the toilet. It is necessary to fill it about 1/3 of the volume of the vessel and then carefully turn the vase, slightly tilting it, so that the liquid moistened completely all of its inner surface. After 20 minutes, everything should be rinsed off. You will get a clean, shiny surface.
  • There is also a method using dry rice and baking soda. You will need a cup of dry rice and half a cup of baking soda. Pour them into a vase and fill it with warm water. Then close the neck with the palm of the hand and begin to shake intensively. This mixture should remove from the walls of the vessel all the excess, leaving only a clean surface.
  • You can mix 3 tablespoons of fine table salt with one tablespoon of table vinegar. Then take a brush for washing bottles and distribute this mixture on the walls of the vase. After such a procedure, 20 minutes will be enough for all the excess to come off the walls. It remains only to rinse the vase with warm water.
  • There is another way of cleaning – with the help of shells from several hard-boiled eggs. It should be thoroughly crushed and mixed with either baking soda or some dry detergent. Pour this mixture into a vase and add a little warm water. Then carefully turn the vase so that the mixture gets on the entire inner surface. All you have to do is let the vase stand with this mixture for a few minutes and then rinse it thoroughly.

This way you can wash not only a flower vase, but also any vessel with a narrow neck, on the bottom of which more than one “cultural layer” has already been deposited. If you do not want to spend your personal time on cleaning the house, but for you is important every detail in your hallway, kitchen, bedroom or other room, you can turn to us. Our cleaners will perform everything at a high level – they will wash vases, chandeliers, clean floors and more. To order cleaning services in Calgary leave a request on our website.

July 8 2024